Emmanuel Daigle

Emmanuel Daigle


High altitude Hiking Guide certified by the Association of Canadian Mountain Guides (ACMG), accredited first aid instructor, speaker, columnist, author and field tester for specialized equipment. He is known for his ability to make mountaineering accessible to everyone, either vicariously through his accounts or directly through his teachings.

Calling the Laurentians (Quebec) home for several years now, Emmanuel lives in a house—his base camp—that he built with his own two hands. He has been travelling the world since the age of 19 to practice rock and ice climbing, trek, and get the most out of the great outdoors. He regularly guides trekking expeditions at high altitudes. He believes that with the proper preparation, no challenge is beyond reach.

In recent years, he has written hundreds of articles for several specialized publications and published two reference books on high altitude preparation.

In 2016, he launched Académie Haute Montagne, a website dedicated to preparing adventures at high altitude. His new approach was quickly recognized as best practice for preparing and optimizing the experience, and numerous major trekking tour operators use it to train their participants.

Emmanuel is always on the move. Every single one of his projects has a reason for taking flight and respects his core beliefs. Nothing is left to chance and, each time, he makes sure to work with the best professionals in the field.

He is recognized for his integrity, empathy, honesty and contagious good humor. This father of two loves sharing his experiences and making his knowledge accessible to the general public. As people set out to test their limits on the mountain or take full advantage of life and their personal potential, he hopes he can help them do it with a smile.

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